Upload Your Project

Step 1 - Compress Your Files

Collect all your files and into a single zipped file.

Zip (compress) files or a folder

  1. Collect all your files into a single folder.
  2. Use a descriptive name. EX: Pet Rescue EOY2020
  3. Right-click the file or folder want to compress,
    select "Send to", and then select "Compressed (zipped) folder".*
  4. Your zipped file will be created.
  5. Select to upload with your project.

*Your zipped file will be named after the folder you compressed.

Zip (compress) files or a folder

  1. Collect all your files into a single folder.
  2. Use a descriptive name. EX: Pet Rescue EOY2020
  3. Right-click the file or folder want to compress,
    select "Compress (Folder Name)".*
  4. Your zipped file will be created.
  5. Select to upload with your project.

*Your zipped file will be named after the folder you compressed.

Step 2 - Name and Upload

  • Use the "Project Name" Field
  • Enter a descriptive name.
    EX: Pet Rescue EOY2020

Upload Your File

  • Click "Select File" Button
  • Find and Select your zipped file.
  • Upload another file with "Add More +" Button

Files Not Ready - Upload them Later

  • Click Select "Upload Artwork Later" Button
  • Continue with your order

Step 3 - Proceed to Review

Ready to create your product design?
To start, select the product size, preview the design guidelines, download the guidelines for reference, and proceed with the customization options.
Help template cannot be generated as one or both bleed sizes (height and width) are set to 0.
Bleed Line
Safe Line

Select File
Drag a file OR
